On August 28, the MTEF Board of Directors welcomed Becky Doumaux as our new Executive Director. Becky joins us with 15 years of leadership experience at Junior Achievement of South Central PA, a background as an elementary school teacher and a master’s degree in educational administration. A resident of Manheim Township, Becky is the parent of a Manheim Township High School freshman, and a volunteer with BSA Troop 99 and the Manheim Township Public Library.
Also, after two years as MTEF Development and Communications Manager, Becca Stamp has begun a new role with MTEF as Director of Community and Alumni Engagement. A 1997 MTHS graduate and current MT parent, Becca has significant experience in nonprofit communications and holds a master’s degree in communication studies.
Kate Zimmerman, MTEF Board President shares, “The Board of Directors is thrilled to have Becky Doumaux joining the MTEF team with her considerable education-related experience, and to have Becca Stamp growing her role within the organization. Under the guidance of these two leaders, we know the Foundation will continue to grow our impact as we provide resources to educators, administrators, and school-related groups for innovative educational programs for all Manheim Township School District students.”